


根据CompTIA的技术劳动力状况, the median tech occupation wage is 103% higher than the median national wage in the U.S., with the projected growth rate for tech jobs over the next decade nearly twice the national jobs rate. Become a certified CompTIA professional and take your career to the next level with our comprehensive training program that aligns with the CompTIA A+, 网络+, 和安全+认证考试.





Our A+ certification training offers a thorough overview of the basic concepts around multiple operating systems, 使您能够有效地维护, 进行故障排除, 并适应不同的技术平台. Our 网络+ certification training teaches the fundamental building blocks that form a modern network, 比如硬件, 拓扑, 和协议, along with an introduction to the OSI model— this course prepares you for success in the IT industry. 

The Security+ certification portion covers the essential knowledge and skills required to identify, 评估, 并减低现代资讯科技环境中的安全风险. This course provides a comprehensive overview of cybersecurity's key concepts and best practices. 在完成, 您将收到每次认证考试的考试凭证, 在获得资格后,支付参加认证考试的费用. 


基于认证杂志的2023年薪酬调查, CompTIA A+认证持有者的平均年薪为108美元,在美国有170家.S. 全球99,980美元. 然而, the actual pay may vary depending on factors such as years of experience and the location of the job. 

根据Lightcast的数据, $61,600是所有需要网络+资格的工作的平均工资. CompTIA指出,一个网络系统分析师可以挣92美元,每年740, 其次是网络管理员,售价86美元,每年340, 网络支持专家67美元,510. CompTIA 网络+的年薪最高可达144,000美元,最低可达28,500美元. 薪水是根据技能水平、工作地点和工作经验而定的. 

Most of the jobs that IT professionals with a CompTIA Security+ certification would hold fall under the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) category of network and computer systems administrators. 美国劳工统计局报告称,这类工作的平均年薪为80,600美元.


A+、网络+和Security+认证是连续的. A+ focuses on devices; 网络+ is dedicated to the hardware, software 和协议 for networking; and Security+ adds the layer of core security functions across devices, 网络, 以及部署它们的组织.

CompTIA称之为A+, 网络+ and Security+ sequence a "stacked" credential that validates baseline skills in the three disciplines: devices, 网络, 和安全. Each individual certification is considered an independent signal of competence in the area it addresses.

根据CompTIA, the A+ certification is often associated with baseline or entry-level support positions such as service desk analyst, 技术支持专员, 现场服务技术员, 副网络工程师, 数据支持技术员, 桌面支持管理员, 终端用户计算技术员, 服务台技术员, 或系统支持专家.

根据CompTIA, the 网络+ certification is often associated with positions such as Network administrator, 网络现场工程师, 计算机技术人员, 服务台技术员, 系统工程师, 网络支持专员, 或者网络分析师.

根据CompTIA, the Security+ certification is often associated with junior IT auditor or penetration tester positions. Other titles might include systems administrator, network administrator, or security administrator.


  • Master fundamental concepts of multiple operating systems to maintain and support them effectively 
  • Develop 进行故障排除ing skills for software, hardware, connectivity, and network problems
  • 对组装和拆卸计算机部件有深入的了解
  • 了解如何比较网络类型、拓扑结构和体系结构
  • 掌握网络硬件方面的知识和技能, 工具, 和他们的安装有效的网络设置
  • 了解TCP/IP功能, 协议, 和IP寻址概念, 包括子网划分和vlan划分
  • 探索云计算、虚拟化和远程访问系统和方法
  • 发现网络性能监控工具和实践
  • 发展网络安全方面的专业知识, 安全威胁, 漏洞评估, 以及缓解策略
  • Attain a solid understanding of computer security concepts, network policies, and documentation
  • 学习网络安全事件准备、响应和风险管理


选修这门课程没有先决条件. 然而, you should have a basic knowledge of computer hardware and operating systems. 例如, 如何启动并登录计算机, 使用鼠标和键盘, 以及基本的微软视窗导航技能.  

CompTIA recommends all A+ exam applicants have up to 12 months of hands-on experience in the lab or field before taking the certification exam. They also state possessing the A+ Certification and a minimum of 9 to 12 months of hands-on experience working in a junior network administrator/network support technician job role to complete the 网络+ certification exam. CompTIA recommends at least 9 to 12 months of networking experience and two years of experience in IT administration with a security focus to take the Security+ certification exam.



琳达·马修斯 has years of experience both in the classroom teaching technical material and in the field solving a myriad of technical issues.

Linda possesses the background to engage deeply with cybersecurity through teaching and intellectual focus. For the past eight years, she has lived with this vast and fascinating body of knowledge. 现在, she regularly trains individuals in several of the most popular security courses from CompTIA and Microsoft. CompTIA's Security+ is the foundational course students need to begin an incredible journey into cybersecurity.


莎拉Perrott has been working in the information technology field for 20+ years and has devoted the last 10 of those to focusing on cybersecurity. 她是一位出版作家和前大学教授, and she is passionate about teaching the next generation of cybersecurity professionals. Sara has a Master of Science in Cybersecurity and Information Assurance from Western Governors University Washington and a Bachelor of Science in Information Systems Security from the University of Phoenix.


宝拉伍德奥 began her technical career as a network and computer consultant 30 years ago. She first taught at a local university before taking the CompTIA and Microsoft exams to teach certified courses. Paula has been fortunate to teach these classes worldwide for companies such as HP and Microsoft. Paula enjoys teaching classes regarding computers and networking and talking to students about how their companies put these technologies to work for them.


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